Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commitment and Actions
The Cape Perpetua Collaborative recognizes our programmatic area has an incredible history and that many have suffered and continue to suffer due to colonization and racism. We commit to being active participants to sharing the truthful history and including diverse voices and perspectives in our organization and discussion making
We believe that diversity is strength. A diverse team brings a variety of perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table, which is essential for solving complex conservation challenges. We are committed to creating spaces where everyone feels welcome, respected, and valued.
We are committed to building a conservation movement that is inclusive and equitable. We believe that everyone has a right to a healthy environment. We are working to increase the diversity of our staff, volunteers, and partners, and we are developing programs and initiatives that are accessible to all.
Our goals specific to DEI are:
Diversify our organization and staff. We want to ensure those from underrepresented background feel safe and welcomed in our organization.
Work to promote and include local art and history in our programming.
We celebrate diversity. We prioritize creating spaces where diversity is incorporated in our programming.
Land-Action Acknowledgement
Our programmatic area is the unceded land of the Siletz, Alesea, Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw people. These lands are an area of beauty and abundance - an area where the ocean and atmosphere together bring nutrients to the surface, feeding a diverse and wonderful array of life both in the sea and lands. Life that has been greatly diminished due to colonization and ongoing overexploitation - both cultural diversity and biodiversity have suffered and are suffering due to colonization and overexploitation. We have the deepest respect for the Indigenous People who live, work, harvest, and steward these lands and have done so since time immemorial. We acknowledge these truths and we choose to not be complacent, we act to support the people who have suffered. As such we commit to the following actions:
When applying for grants, we are actively working to establish a practice to include a line item for Tribal Lands Overhead. These funds go directly to the Tribes.
We seek to learn by participating in public Tribal events
We seek to co-develop programs to support Tribes, when they choose to engage with us in this manner.
